The milleforma acoustic panels in an installation created exclusively for the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale entitled “How will we live together?”.

We are proud to be present, with our milleforma panels, at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, at the Italian Pavilion “Resilient Communities”, curated by Alessandro Melis, focused on climate change and related architectural challenges.

With the project of Anna Barbara (Politecnico di Milano and Sense Lab ) and Massimo Gatelli (Founder milleforma) we realized three spiral columns made of completely recycled cellulose and earth pigments coming from previous milleforma installations and tests, recoloured with natural essences (coffee, henna and spirulina algae), contributing to the MatRes installation, curated by Ingrid Paoletti (Politecnico di Milano, Material Balance Research)

At the end of the Biennale, we will give new life to the columns and convert them into new shapes for the milleforma acoustic panels, creating a limited edition dedicated to the Biennale. This installation is a distinctive point in our journey to testify to the circularity of our materials which can be completely reused in our production process without producing any waste, while reducing the use of raw materials.

The installation will remain at the Italian Pavilion of the Venice Biennale until 21 November.